
2024 Monday Evening Xplorations

Inspired by the Adirondacks! Join us for this season’s Monday Evening Xplorations on select Mondays in July and August when artists will provide insight into their creative works and how they are inspired by the beauty and wonder around them.

Mondays at 6:00PM | ADKX Auditorium

Registration recommended

Upcoming Monday Evening Xplorations

John Collins Memorial Lecture: Wintering: The Nature of Resilience in Landscape

julio 1 | 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

The paintings in this body of work, “Wintering,” examine the metaphorical connection between nature, my personal wintering,...

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Rustic Expressions

julio 15 | 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Artist Paul Lakata looks beyond the canvas as he creates his personal rustic style. Fusing traditional crafts like paddles...

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Wool and Water: Stitching Water’s Story with Fiber Art

julio 29 | 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Wool and Water is a collaborative project that blends fiber art with scientific information to create visual representations...

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